Apple US. is extending the Power Macintosh into the consumer market
with PowerPC Performas. The Macintosh Performa 6100 series in-
cludes the 6110CD, 6112CD, 6115CD, 6117CD and 6118CD. All sys-
tems are based on the PowerPC 601 microprocessor running at 60MHz,
8MB of RAM, minimum 250MB hard drive, and include Apple's internal double speed, tray loading CD-ROM drive, the Apple Multiple Scan 15" Display with built-in stereo speakers, an external 14.4K bps Global Village fax/modem (send/receive fax), Apple Design Keyboard, Macintosh System 7.5, as well as leading third party software applications and CD-ROM titles.
Apple Provides Software Updates
In the last month, Apple has produced a plethora of tiny software  
updates to take care of specific problems on specific machines:
PowerBook 150 Update 1.0 - This extension fixes a problem with
excessive battery consumption during sleep mode on a PowerBook
150 equipped with a modem.
630 SCSI Update 1.0 - This extension fixes a problem with SCSI on
the Macintosh 630 series of computers.
EM Sound Update 1.0 - This extension is only for Macintosh LC 630 systems with an Express Modem installed and gives sound support when using the Express Modem. Sounds generated through the phone line when using the Express Modem (dial tone, modem carrier tones, etc...) will be heard through the Macintosh LC 630 speaker.
Color Classic Update 1.0 - This extension fixes a bug that kept Apple IIe cards from working on systems running system software 7.5. When running an Apple IIe card, the system software must provide the video mode used by Apple IIe computers. The extension adds this video mode to the video driver.
040 VM Update 1.0 - This extension fixes a problem (reported only on the Macintosh LC 575 and Macintosh LC 630) where 040 based systems can hang when both the 040 processor caches and virtual memory are turned on, and the system software is copying data from one part of system memory to another.
Mount IDE Drive 1.0 - This extension will mount the internal IDE drive on the desktop for PowerBook 150 and Macintosh 630 systems when the system is booted from a device other than the internal drive. If during the boot process, the user presses Cmd, Option, Shift and Delete keys simultaneously, the system will boot from a drive other than the internal IDE drive. In this situation the IDE drive does not show up on the desktop. This extension will mount the IDE drive on the desktop after completion of the boot.
All of the above fixes are system extensions which operate by dropping them on top of your system folder and restarting the Macintosh. Each is available on most on-line services or from Apple dealers.
PCMCIA Expansion for PowerBook 500 Series
Industry standard PCMCIA expansion is finally available to Macintosh  
users with the availability of Apple's PCMCIA Expansion Module for
the PowerBook 500 series. This is the first phase of PCMCIA imple-
mentation and provides support for modem and ATA storage cards. In
phase 2, early next year, Apple will provide developers with a kit and
specifications for creating new PCMCIA cards and adapting existing ones
for the Mac platform. The PowerBook 500 PCMCIA Expansion Module is a user-installable, wallet-sized case that fits into the left battery bay of any PowerBook 500 series computer. It accepts user installable, standard PCMCIA modules which are about the size of a credit card. The US. is $219.
Some advantages of PCMCIA are: hot swapping–which allows users to move cards in and out of the module while the computer is running and switching cards without reconfiguring the system; easy installation–inserting the PCMCIA module is as easy as inserting a battery (the software is installed by simply placing three items into the System Folder); and software eject of cards–Apple's PowerBook 500 series computers are the only notebook computers in the industry that allow for a PCMCIA module to be ejected via software. PowerBook 500 owners can receive a current list of available PCMCIA cards in the United States via fax, by calling (800) 462-4396, or in Canada, (800) 263-3394 and ask for document #10307.
PowerBooks Get Troubleshooting Guide
The Apple Assistance Center has detailed how to troubleshoot
common problems that may occur when using your PowerBook.
The new PowerBook TroubleShooting Guide ships with all new
PowerBook computers. Existing owners can find the electronic
document version of the guide on Apple's eWorld (pathway: Apple
Customer Centre; Quick Answers; Tips & Tools from the Info Alley). The electronic version comes in seven parts and the Common Ground MiniViewer is required to view and print these documents.
Apple Updates Personal Diagnostics…
Apple is shipping Version 1.1 of Apple Personal Diagnostics which  
now supports Power Macintosh and is compatible with Apple's new
operating system release, Macintosh System 7.5. Like Version 1.0
of Apple Personal Diagnostics, the new version combines key features
such as hardware testing, system profiling, disk-file structure re-
pair, benchmark testing, and system software analysis into one easy
to use package.
The new version includes a program disk with the complete array of hardware and software tests and two emergency disks for making hard-disk repairs to all exisiting post-Plus Macs. In the United States, Version 1.1 of Apple Personal Diagnostics is available for the suggested retail price of US. $129. Existing Apple Personal Diagnostics customers can upgrade to Version 1.1 for US. $19.95, plus shipping and handling, by calling (800) 769-2775 ext. 5941. (No Canadian number is available at press time). Apple plans to introduce localized versions of Apple Personal Diagnostics 1.1 in French, German and Japanese later in 1994.
…and PhotoFlash
Version 2.0 of PhotoFlash, now opens and saves individual catalogs of 
image "thumbnails" for easy photo organization and searching. With
PhotoFlash 2.0, it is now possible to search for photos by their simi-
larity to an image or a sketch made by the user, as well as to adjust
the color of your photos. The support for Macintosh Drag and Drop
enables photos to be easily moved between catalogs and into applica-
tions supporting Macintosh System 7.5. In addition, the integration of Apple Photo- Flash 2.0 with Aldus PageMaker 5.0, QuarkXPress 3.2 and 3.3, Aldus Persuasion 3.0, Microsoft Word 6.0 and Claris FileMaker Pro 2.1, enables digital photos to be placed into documents in a single step. Extensions are included for Aldus PageMaker and QuarkXPress that enable image editing and placement to be easily initiated from within those page layout applications.
The new PhotoFlash comes bundled with a Visual Symbols Sampler Photo CD, which contains a library of 140 everyday objects whose symbolic meaning makes them useful to enhance visual communication in a variety of documents. Apple plans to introduce international English and French versions of Apple PhotoFlash 2.0 later in 1994 and a Kanji version in 1995. The suggested retail price is U.S. $129.00. Existing Apple PhotoFlash customers can upgrade for U.S. $39.95, plus shipping and handling by calling (in the U.S.) (800) 769-2775 ext. 5929. Customers who purchased Apple PhotoFlash 1.0 or Apple PhotoFlash 1.1 between August 3, 1994 and December 3, 1994 can receive an upgrade for only the cost of shipping and handling by submitting an order form and proof of purchase (a dated, itemized sales invoice showing the purchase of Apple PhotoFlash 1.0 or Apple PhotoFlash 1.1) between these dates.
PostScript Now At Level 8.2
Just because QuickDraw GX is now shipping it does not mean that  
its the end of the road for the PostScript level 2 driver. In October,
Apple released version 8.2 and 8.2f (for printers with fax cards),
of the LaserWriter Driver. In the Read Me file, Apple recommends
that all users with PostScript Level 2 printers upgrade to the dri-
ver which provides many bug fixes and some feature convenience improvements. To install the driver you must first have installed either version 8.0 or 8.1.1. The new 8.2 driver is available on most on-line services and from Apple dealers.
Apple Recycles Toner
Apple has announced the availability of a remanufactured toner cartridge designed to offer optimum results with EP-S-based laser printers from Apple (LaserWriter II series), Canon and Hewlett Packard (series II, IID, III and IIID). The remanufactured SX Toner Cartridge offers an environmentally sensitive solution to the problem of cartridge packaging at a value conscious price. The remanufactured SX Toner Cartridge is available through AppleUS reseller channel with an Apple price of $76. In addition, for a limited time Apple is offering a $5 rebate for every empty toner cartridge returned to the company. A postage-paid return credit mailer is included in every box as a further incentive. The price of a new toner cartridge remains at $95. For the location of the dealer nearest them, customers in the United States may call 1-800-538-9696.
Newer, Faster PowerPC Macs
MacWEEK (October 24), reports that Apple will replace existing Power
Macs with newer, faster versions. Buyers will be able to tell the newer
models by their names: according to MacWEEK, the 8100/80 will gain
a 20-30% performance hit when it becomes the 8100/110 as early as
the first week of November. In January, the 7100/66 will become the